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Odesos wines received two awards from the Wine Guide of Ukraine

The first series of wines and first awards - this year we got acquainted with the wine world of Ukraine. A lot of work, experience, soul is put into each bottle. All this to ensure that every wine connoisseur gets a bottle of "Odesos" for a festive table, for a romantic evening or just a rest after the work week.

Having received a feedback from the consumers about the first series of wines, it was decided to try their strength in competition with other wineries in Ukraine, and to send samples of Cabernet & Merlot and Traminer, to participate in the "blind" tastings organized by the project "Wine Guide Ukraine".
This year the Association of Sommeliers of Ukraine and members of the invited committee tasted more than 268 positions of Ukrainian wines, which were evaluated by 100 points scale.
According to the results of tastings each wine that received from 80 points received medals from Wine Guide:

  • 80 - 84 bronze medal;
  • 85 - 89 a silver medal;
  • 90 - 100 gold medal.

As a result, the wine "Cabernet & Merlot" received 83 points, and "Traminer" was evaluated with 81 points, which allowed to get two bronze medals, and the opportunity to publish in the new book "Wine Guide Ukraine 2020".
We sincerely thank all the organizers of the project for the opportunity to participate, wineries for the competition and all consumers who support the Ukrainian winemaking.